Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Meet the Crew

Ahoy, mateys! Avast ye 'nd come aboard our ship to meet arrrrrr hardy crew!

Dr. Fran Oneal
Dr. John Oneal

Kari S.
Emily S.

(I don't really know what the general crew would derogatorily be called, but I feel this is fitting.)
Gordon B.
Yuliya B.
Ashton D.
Kelsey F.
Hunter G.
Lindsey H.
Jason L.
Erin M.
Jocelyn M.
Angela R.
Kellen S.
Kimberly T.

(Well. This entire trip has nothing to do with ships nor oceans nor sailing nor pirates nor anything at all remotely prompting a pirate-themed post. So retrospectively, I'm not sure why we have one anyway. But, like, who doesn't love pirates and related themes? Oh man. I hope we can have themed posts. Hey crew, can we have some themed posts? I'm not sure how many themes we could think of and how applicable they'd be, but that's my goal for now. (I tried to make a ninja themed post, too, but I can't find it anywhere...sneaky thing...))

when we get there). Then I can introduce them in a really serious voice and state: "TAnyway, the plan is to have all of these lovely shipmates write a little bio about themselves in this post (though, being the big bad internet and all, I'm not sure how much personal information we actually put on here? Well, we'll sail those seas HESE ... are their stories.....boom-boom." (Law & Order theme? Anyone? Eh?)

Okay. I'm done. Someone oughta host a mutiny of this blog and make me walk the plank or else we'll just end up with strange and rambling and questionable-veracious (but always ferocious) oddly-themed posts that may or may not relate to Costa Rica and our adventures there.

Keep acin', AAACRs.


1 comment:

  1. I knew AR wrote this before I saw the initials at the end. :)
